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Steam Trap Inspections

The Challenge

Annual inspections of stream traps result in weeks or months of undetected failures and leaks. And, manual methods for acoustic listening are imprecise and expensive. With unparalleled temperature and ultrasonic measurement, this acoustic transmitter, along with specialized Steam Trap Monitoring software, identifies trap health and failures in real-time for quick repair or replacement. Manual rounds in high risk areas are reduced and equipment damage prevented improving safety and productivity.
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The Solution

Engineered with Wireless HART technology, the Rosemount 708 Wireless Acoustic Transmitter monitors steam traps and pressure relief valves (PRVs). This device accurately communicates your acoustic level, temperature, and device data as well as event status and leak detection. The Steam Trap Health Monitoring software offers cost-effective installation, provides easy integration with host systems and data historians and allows enhanced insight into steam trap conditions, energy usage and emissions.